Apache Data Center

  • Owner: Apache Corporation
  • Contractor: Spaw Maxwell
  • Date Completed: 02/07
  • Contract: $1,200,000

We were chosen for our certifications and tight integration with the electrical trade. This was a two part project which entailed a first phase addition and a second phase renovation to Apache’s primary data facility, and a four phase renovation of the Information Technology department offices. We completed 9,000+ Category 6, 8,000+ 50 micron fiber, 100+ 62.5 micron fiber, 50+ T-1, and 20+ DS3 terminations. We provided coordination and installation services for the relocation of the AT&T MUX to provide safety and redundancy for Apache’s communications. We were instrumental in the development of full Methods Of Procedure documentation for the Phase 2 data center move. Other services that were provided included: Control systems communication cabling; Fiber capacity planning; Cable tray design assistance; Telecom systems grounding advice; and End user training.